Accommodation with 76 beds, bedrooms for 2, 4 and 5 people. Each bedroom has a toilet and bathroom (shower and sink). Catering: breakfast and dinner, table service or self service, dining room with 80 seats and a patio with 70 seats.
Rating / Labels
- Maisons Familiales Rurales
Languages spoken
- French
- English
Size / capacity
- Overall capacity:76persons
Comfort / services
- Individual night (adult) : 2 chambres de 2 lits
- Individual night (adult) : 10 chambres de 4 lits
- Individual night (adult) : 6 chambres de 5 lits
- Other rates : Une salle de cours pour 24h
- Other rates : La salle de réunion
- Other rates : Salle à manger, cuisine, équipement vaisselle et terrasse : En gestion libre
- Other rates : Supplément chauffage internat et/ou salle(s)