Founded in 1981 by Christian Gentet, "L'Orchestre de Contrebasses" today represents a highly original approach to musical creation, bringing a new style to contemporary music. The Orchestre de Contrebasses brings together six virtuoso composers and performers. These musicians accompany the note with their gestures, composing a new repertoire in which the music goes off the beaten track, where the double bass, pushed to its extreme limits, becomes sensual, charming and magical, and where we find ourselves dreaming along a spontaneous musical journey.
- Music
Jours | Horaires |
Vendredi | À partir de 20h30 |
- Full adult price : 15,00 €
- Other rates : 12,00 € - Adhérents de l'association, étudiants 18-25 ans, familles nombreuses, demandeurs d'emploi, groupes à partir de 10 personnes
- Other rates : 6,00 € - Jeunes de 12 à 18 ans, personnes handicapées