Stage de vannerie – Luminaire en sparte

Stage de vannerie – Luminaire en sparte-1

stage vannerie luminaire 1 2024-loches-valdeloire

Come and weave your own light fixture in esparto to create a warm, natural atmosphere in your home, using the Neolithic stitch technique. Depending on the project, you'll need 1 to 2 days for the workshop. Sparte is a species of rush that grows all around the Mediterranean basin. It is the traditional material used in Spanish basketry.
Beginners welcome.


  • Workshops and programmes


Le 23 November 2024
Samedi 10h00 à 17h30

Le 24 November 2024
Dimanche 10h00 à 17h30


  • Full adult price : 100,00 € - par jour
  • Other rates : 90,00 € - par jour, adhérent association Rues des Arts

Payment options

  • Debit cards