The voice in motion!
A lively polyphonic show, where all musical styles are combined a cappella, mixing Anne Sylvestre, Simon & Garfunkel, Piazzolla, Clara Ysé... and many others!
"Bouche bée" is a participatory musical show that unfolds in a moving configuration, where the audience is invited to move according to the sound and visual proposals.
The company is continuing its research into the correspondences or interferences between hearing and sight, notably via sign language and chansigne.
Listening and understanding can be born of looking, so... can we see music?
Whatever your keenest senses, dive in!
- Music
Jours | Horaires |
Samedi | 20h30 à 21h30 |
- Full adult price : from 13,00 € to 15,00 € - 13 euros sur réservation / 15 euros sur place
- Group rate : 10,00 € - à partir de 8 personnes de plus de 12 ans
- Other rates : 10,00 € - minimas sociaux et abonnés
- Free rate : mois de 12 ans