Atelier d’écriture “Tous poètes”

Atelier d’écriture “Tous poètes”-1

Close shot of businesswoman hands holding a pen writing something on the paper on the foreground in office. Recording concept

As part of Printemps des Poètes, Jean-Marie Parent invites you to a poetry workshop based on the principle of the free word. Step by step, let yourself be guided towards the writing of a short poem through a free approach to poetic writing, open to all, with no pre-requisites, just listening to your emotions.
Attendance required for 2 sessions.


  • Workshops and programmes
  • Theatre, danse, storytelling, literature


Le 15 March 2025
Samedi 15h00 à 17h00

Le 05 April 2025
Samedi 15h00 à 17h00