Quand le cirque est venu

Quand le cirque est venu-1


There are two of them. Him and her.
In a country that bears no resemblance to anything that exists or ever existed, a General with the ominous name of Poutche reigns with an iron hand and an iron thumb, terror as his standard. An impromptu visit from a circus is about to upset the balance of power and topple authority.
A tour de piste to celebrate the beauty of disorder, the subversion of laughter and the power of the imagination.

Based on Quand le Cirque est venu by Wilfrid Lupano & Stéphane Fert. Éditions Delcourt ? 2017.


  • Events for children
  • Theatre, danse, storytelling, literature


Le 29 March 2025
Samedi 18h00 à 19h00


  • Full adult price : 15,00 € - sur place, sans réservation
  • Group rate : 10,00 € - à partir de 8 personnes de + de 12 ans
  • Other rates : from 10,00 € to 13,00 € - abonné(e)s / minimas sociaux / sur réservation
  • Free rate : - 12 ans

Payment options

  • Debit cards
  • Cheques
  • Cash