Following in the footsteps of Santiago Drake del Castillo

Following in the footsteps of Santiago Drake del Castillo-1

Walk through the Candé estate, in Monts. Loire Valley, France. Stevens Frémont / CD37

Following in the footsteps of Santiago Drake del Castillo-2

Walk through the Candé estate, in Monts. Loire Valley, France. Jérôme Huet / ADT Touraine

Following in the footsteps of Santiago Drake del Castillo-3

Walk through the Candé estate, in Monts. Loire Valley, France. Jérôme Huet / ADT Touraine

Following in the footsteps of Santiago Drake del Castillo-4

Walk through the Candé estate, in Monts. Loire Valley, France. Jérôme Huet / ADT Touraine

This leafy three-kilometre route, deep within an estate classifi ed as an ‘Espace naturel sensible’ (protected nature site), invites you to explore a romantic location developed around 1855 by Santiago Drake del Castillo.


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