Family treasure hunt and kamishibai "Barbotine and the poet"
Barbotine, the priory?s stunned frog, is very worried: she?s lost all the pages of the story she wanted to tell the children. Help her find them by exploring the buildings and gardens, and discover her fabulous adventure, illustrated by Valérie Dumas.
Ages 4 to 8
On reservation
- Entertainment inside monument
- Workshops and programmes
- Events for children
Rating / Labels
- Nouvelles Renaissance(S]
Jours | Horaires |
Mardi | 15h00 à 16h00 |
Jours | Horaires |
Mardi | 15h00 à 16h00 |
- Full adult price : 7,50 € - Accompagnateur
- Other rates : 10,00 € - Enfant à partir de 7 ans
- Child rate : 9,00 € - Moins de 7 ans