This one-woman show tells the true story of Marguerite Sirvens (1890-1957), a patient at the Saint-Alban psychiatric hospital, a pioneer in art therapy.
This woman would be forgotten if she hadn't left a masterpiece donated by Jean Dubuffet to the Musée d'art-brut in Lausanne, where it can still be admired today: a wedding dress made from threads pulled from old sheets. This is how Marguerite managed to push back the walls of the hospital and escape her isolation. At 65, she thinks she's 18 and that she's about to fall in love, hence the absolute necessity of this wedding dress.
K. Battaiellie's magnificent text plays in symbiosis with Marguerite's fragile yet resolute nature, giving this monologue a dramatic intensity
- Theatre, danse, storytelling, literature
Jours | Horaires |
Dimanche | À partir de 16h00 |
- Other rates : 10€-13€