Sous le poids des plumes

Sous le poids des plumes-1

TVI – 8.11 Sous le poids des plumes Monts

Four dancers use the poetry of their bodies to plunge into a dreamlike world where their different memories of life collide. A succession of playlets, like images of everyday life, gentle, funny and cheeky, combining dance, burlesque, physical theater and object manipulation.

Memories are what make us who we are, reflecting our lives and our identity. Memories are also what bind us to the passage of time. So they become damaged and fragmented, like feathers that escape our grasp. So, are we really sure that we remember? These feathers that, when they fly away, make us remember? But as time passes, the feathers fall away, and vitality fades. What are we left with but this naked, raw body, leaving t


  • Theatre, danse, storytelling, literature


Le 08 November 2025
Samedi 20h30 à 21h30


  • Other rates : 8,00 € - Préventes
  • Full adult price : 12,00 €
  • Discount rate : 10,00 €
  • Other rates : 8,00 € - PCE pass culture
  • Child rate : 0,00 € - Moins de 10 ans