Audrey and Kelly are fifteen years old.
They spend their time hanging out at the old village bus stop, remaking their world, fearing the "bad reputation", and looking forward to their Saturday night clubbing.
Audrey and Kelly are twenty-five years old.
Audrey has stayed in the village. She's looking to "settle down" and is doing a lot of speed dating in the area. Kelly, on the other hand, has left. It's as if she had to put as many soccer fields as possible between her past and her new life. She now struggles with her family and cultural heritage, trying to get rid of it and integrate into spaces where she feels inadequate. But she is haunted by the village and the memory of Audrey, who still glows in her memory as she dances the macarena.
- Theatre, danse, storytelling, literature
Jours | Horaires |
Vendredi | À partir de 20h30 |
- Full adult price : from 11,00 € to 18,00 €
- Free rate : moins 18 ans