The Tours Loire Valley Tourist Office and the city of Tours invite you to take a guided tour of the Prébendes district.
In the 18th century, the construction of the Route d?Espagne changed the face of the city. Tours developed along this new north-south axis. The construction of the Pont de Pierre (now the Pont Wilson) opened up perspectives to the north of the Loire. And the Avenue de la Tranchée became a must for Tourangeaux and travelers alike. The construction of the first tramway line also brought its share of transformations.
- Guided city tours
Jours | Horaires |
Samedi | 14h30 à 16h00 |
- Full adult price : 10,00 €
- Other rates : 7,00 € - Titulaire carte patrimoine, enfants de 13 à 18 ans
- Free rate : Moins de 12 ans