Visite guidée : Tours au fil des Quartiers : Paul Bert

Visite guidée : Tours au fil des Quartiers : Paul Bert-1

p7 Visites guidées de Tours ©Archives Municipales Ville de Tours Archives Municipales Ville de Tours

Under the Ancien Régime, the city of Tours developed with the construction of its successive walls.
In the 19th century, with the annexation of Saint-Étienne-Extra, the city confirmed its expansion towards the south. The second half of the 20th century was marked by the multiplication of large urban construction sites that met a growing need for housing. Finally, the annexation of the communes of Saint-Symphorien and Sainte Radegonde, in 1964, allowed the city to expand northwards.

Reservation required - No sale on site


  • Guided city tours


Le 04 January 2025
Samedi 14h30 à 16h00


  • Full adult price : 10,00 €
  • Other rates : 7,00 € - Titulaire de la carte Patrimoine et enfant de 13 à 18 ans
  • Free rate : Moins de 12 ans